Thursday, January 5, 2012

Credit update #4

That's right folks. I leave tomorrow and I am still drowning in credit problems, thanks to Stockton. I decided to shoot an email to my professor for my online marketing class. She said the mandatory meeting dates were for exams because they were not posted online. WHY IS IT NOT POSTED ONLINE? IT'S DISTANCE EDUCATION. I sincerely do not understand what Stockton thinks distance education means. She was really nice and all, but she advised me to drop the class. So this morning, I was able to find my way into an online accounting class (thank GOD it was open...) and there seems to be only one mandatory meeting in the beginning. I'm probably going to have to explain my whole situation again to this professor, and hopefully they will understand. (I'll probably just copy and paste my email I sent last night >.<)

And this all could be prevented if Stockton would just give me credits for my (disney) Human Resource Management class. My preceptor told me they accept credits for this very class, yet he won't respond back to me and give me the proper paperwork. Then I wouldn't have to take any online classes at all. This is just one big headache. I am like so close to giving no more fucks.

And now this morning, I got a text from my mom saying that after a whole goddamn year, my high school sent my scholarship money to Montclair. Well, the problem with that is, I don't go there anymore! I transferred out of there last year! So, thankfully, Montclair sent the money back to my high school. Now I just have to give Ocean City my transcripts and they will send that money to Stockton. (Which is really inconvenient, because last night I juuuuuust paid half of my tuition bill. GREAT TIMING). My mom wants me to drop them off today, but it snowed last night. I have the biggest irrational fear of driving in snow. I am not stepping foot in a car today, so she can forget it. Fuck everything right now.

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