Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Finally got some help!

I finally have some sort of direction to go in now!
I finished my blaxploitation final really early, so I decided to see if there was anyone else who I could talk to about my DCP situation. I was fiddling around on the DCP site, and they said to check with your registrar. But for some reason, my school doesn't have a registrar office...just student records. So I went and spoke with student records again. The man I spoke with sat down with me this time, and told me that the only way I could get credits for the program was if I filed it under as an Independent Study. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but I am going to try it anyway. Luckily, my preceptor is a hospitality professor, so he will be able to supervise my independent study if he accepts. I filled out my portion of the paperwork, and left it in his office. Hopefully, he'll go to his office sometime soon and find it. I feel so bad bombarding this man with all of this, but I am so desperate that I will do anything it takes.

Just as a precaution, I applied to my community college to sign up for classes just in case this falls through.

So now, all I have to do is wait for my preceptor to do his part, get the paperwork back, get another signature, then hopefully I will be all set. This all needs to happen in less than 27 days >.< I am praying for a miracle!

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